Fayetteville United Methodist Church
601 East Genesee Street, P. O. Box 158
Fayetteville, NY 13066-0158
Phone: (315) 637-4413
Fax: (315) 637-2180
Church E-mail: fayettevilleunitedmethodist@gmail.com
Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00am – 2:00pm
Pastor Nate’s hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 10 – 2 and Thursdays, 6-8
Our Weekly E-mail
Every week, we send out an e-mail that highlights all of the events of the upcoming week, meeting announcements, Bible Study, choir practice, etc. If you are not receiving this weekly e-mail and would like to, send a request via e-mail to fayettevilleunitedmethodist@gmail.com. Thank you.